b'Cultural, Behavioural and Societal ChangeWell-being,We can build on the posi\x00ve societal changes seen as a result of the corona crisissuch as a wider focus on well-being, acts of community spiritkindness in communi\x00es, a renewed sense of connec\x00on to our local green spaces and apprecia\x00on of nature. When and connec\x00onpolicymakers and businesses ask, What is in the public interest? they need to consider well-being in the round. Iden\x00fying and focusing on mutual interests and co-benetssuch as improved air quality from reduced trac pollu\x00onis important with nature to ensure the risks and rewards from change are shared in a fair way.SustainableMany of the ar\x00sts in the compe\x00\x00on highlighted the impacts of high consump\x00on and waste materials, including fast consump\x00on andfashion, food waste and plas\x00c pollu\x00on. Essay writers also considered supply chains, par\x00cularly for consumer goodsproduc\x00onhighligh\x00ng impacts on health, the environment and social exploita\x00on. Anneli Tostars essay highlights how high-income countries are shi\x00ing their carbon footprint to low-income countries. While shops were closed, consumers bought online. Businesses have been impacted by premises being closed in lockdown, social distancing requirements and disrup\x00on to supply chains. They will need to develop more sustainable and resilient supply chains for the future. These should focus on circular business modelswhich design waste out of the system. Consumer awareness, labelling and educa\x00on are also important. SustainableThe corona crisis has changed the way people travel, avoiding unnecessary journeys, walking and cycling where possible, transportusing cars instead of public transport. The lockdown led to a signicant reduc\x00on in trac-related pollu\x00on. Arlene Barclays essay argues that the government can encourage ac\x00ve transport by priori\x00sing investment in pedestrian and cycle paths, instead of new roads. Governments need to carry out impact assessments to assess unequal exposure to risk in terms of travel choices as we emerge from the pandemic. For example, higher-income individuals may be able to travel independently in electric vehicles, while those on lower incomes may be exposed to greater health risks on public transport. The full cost of carbon needs to be reected in transport costs, for example with a Fuel Duty Escalator. A tax on frequent iers should also be considered.Social jus\x00ce andStructural inequali\x00es have been further exposed and accentuated by the Covid-19 crisis. Equality sits at the heart of a equality sustainable society. As shortlisted ar\x00st Sam Schmi\x00 said: The overwhelming number of events this year are a cascade of interconnected crises; we need to see a climate movement that is more intersec\x00onal; this means understanding how social and poli\x00cal iden\x00\x00es (such as race, class, gender, sexuality and disability) might combine to create systems of privilege, discrimina\x00on or disadvantage1. This will require public engagement and ins\x00tu\x00onal change at all levelslocal, regional, na\x00onal and global. For social jus\x00ce to be meaningful, decision-making needs to be open, inclusive and representa\x00ve of diverse communi\x00es. Representa\x00veNew ways of communica\x00ng online make technology-facilitated mass par\x00cipa\x00on possible. We can take this opportunity to public engagementgive people a stronger voice and sense of agency in decisions aec\x00ng their futures. This is essen\x00al to build trust and and par\x00cipa\x00oncondence in decision-making in a dynamic and disrupted world. This can be done through community-based listening circles across the UK, feeding into larger-scale, representa\x00onal Ci\x00zens Assemblies. These can build on the work of exis\x00ng Climate Assemblies and focus on the impacts of Covid-19 in terms of equality and the need for tax and welfare reform. Educa\x00on onA greater focus on sustainability is needed in educa\x00on and the na\x00onal curriculum. Schools need to develop programmes to sustainability andteach the next genera\x00on of ci\x00zens, poli\x00cians and business leaders how their ac\x00ons impact on sustainability and to diversity encourage debate on what resilient ins\x00tu\x00ons and businesses in the twenty-rst century might look like. Schools are already engaging with the UN Sustainable Development goals and the issue of climate change. This can be developed further to teach young people about how to enact change, understanding the interlinkages and trade-os of environmental, social and economic issues, and on social jus\x00ce.CathrynRoss,GroupRegulatoryAairsDirectoratBTGroupandChairoftheGovernments Regulatory Horizons CouncilEveryone should be encouraged to have a growth mindset. The idea is to move away from a xed mindset in which there is a right and a wrong answer and where you get praised for ge\x00ng it right and shamed for ge\x00ng it wrong, into a mindset where you can embrace change and ambiguity as an opportunity to learn, and where we value those who take on ambi\x00ous challenges, try their best and grow their capabili\x00es as a result. If we had this mindset, we would not only be more innova\x00ve today, but wed build our capability to innovate and adapt and grow through change in the future. 10 11'