b'Sectoral Insights:EnergyShilpita Mathews discusses the role of the energy sector in the economic recovery and proposes a social jus\x00ce framing to guide thesector.Shilpitassugges\x00onsincludedtargetedenergy eciency schemes (i.e. retro\x00ng social housing to address fuel poverty and adapta\x00on issues, as well as using the fact that more people are at home to pilot new metering schemes) and heat decarbonisa\x00on ini\x00a\x00ves (such as nancing for heat pumps and addressing percep\x00ons about hea\x00ng).PatrickHintonsuggeststhatthegovernmentredirectsunemployedEntrants suggest that both ideas have the poten\x00al to redistribute wealth people into water and energy eciency ini\x00a\x00ves, such as the installa\x00onand help reduce inequali\x00es by making funds available for income support ofrainwatercollec\x00onsystems,solarpanelsandba\x00erystorage.policies, as well as to fund investments in sustainability projects. Tax Meanwhile, Alicja Boryn suggests that these ini\x00a\x00ves could be modelledreform is not new and certain academics suggest that the barriers to on Roosevelts Civilian Conserva\x00on Corps following the Great Depressionadop\x00on are largely poli\x00cal.36 The Ins\x00tute for Public Policy Research (Baicich,2017).34Atthe\x00me,thiswasalifelineforyoungpeople(IPPR) has just joined Tax Jus\x00ce UK and other progressive groups in calling struggling to nd employment. It provided a xed monthly income inonthegovernmentforTaxreformtosupportafairerandgreener exchange for their work on labour-intensive projects. It is quite clear thatfuture,37 post-pandemic. Although, there is broad agreement that a good green recovery plans have the poten\x00al to create a wealth of benetstax system is sustainable, procedurally fair and horizontally equitable, including energy security and just transi\x00on opportuni\x00es for displacedthese objec\x00ves are not central to our current system (Tetlow et al, workersandtorestructuretheeconomyforadigital/ar\x00cial2020).38intelligence age.35 Entrants suggest that these policy ini\x00a\x00ves must beEntrants also suggested that to deliver a sustainable future, we must paired with tax reforms. Shortlisted entrant Anneli Tostar calls for arevaluate governance structures, the type of poli\x00cal leadership and marginal tax rate of 90% for those with income greater than 5 million.accountabilitymechanismsthatwecurrentlyhave.Summarisedby While Parth Devalia suggests a one-o wealth tax, to raise funds whilePaloma Ortega, there needs to be the poli\x00cal will to align government avoiding further austerity measures as a way to pay o debt incurredplans to tackle Covid-19, with existen\x00al threats like climate change and during this crisis. biodiversityloss.Accordingtoresearchconductedby RebeccaWillis (2019),39 this poli\x00cal willwhich exceeds supercial gesturingis yet to emerge, as climate change issues are rarely raised in debate about the economy and within the Westminster Parliament there can be a general Professor Nick Pidgeon, Cardi University hos\x00lity to poli\x00cians who bring these points into discussion. Much like the 2008 Climate Change Act, weTo enable long-term resilience thinking and a poli\x00cal paradigm shi\x00 away need a cross-party consensus that there willfromshorttermism,entrantJoeyMcAleesesuggeststheuseofan adap\x00ve governance framework, intended for use by decision-makers be a green recovery. following natural disasters. In prac\x00ce, adap\x00ve governance is a non-tradi\x00onal approach to disaster risk reduc\x00on and is built on changes to ins\x00tu\x00onalcapacity,includingtheneedforgreatercollabora\x00on, mul\x00levelcollec\x00veac\x00on,con\x00nuouslearningforknowledge development and the management of social-ecological systems (Munene et al, 2018).40 The Build Back Be\x00er (BBB) framework suggested by Joey, encourages governments to pursue stronger, faster and more inclusive post-disaster reconstruc\x00on (Rentschler et al, 2018).4128 29'