b'3.Business Leadership, Governance and Practice Key issuesDuring the crisis, key workers have put their lives at risk to con\x00nue to provide essen\x00al services. Some businesses have radically innovated or repurposed their ac\x00vi\x00es to help tackle the pandemic. While the lockdown has impacted businesses of all sizes, some business leaders are calling for mul\x00million-pound government bailouts to survive. Dicult choices need to be made as to which businesses and sectors receive government support to kick-start the economy and avoid a prolonged recessionwhile at the same \x00me building towards a more resilient future. These issues are problema\x00c, without considering the supply chain implica\x00ons of a virus that breaches na\x00onal boundaries, and which will nega\x00vely aect low- and middle-income countries the most (Guan, Wang and Hallega\x00e, 2020).42 Shortlisted essays that focused on Business Leadership, Governance and Prac\x00ce suggested that to build from the corona crisis to a more sustainable future, business must reframe: What survival and success mean in a disrupted world? What role businesses can play in delivering a sustainable future?What do survival and success mean in a disrupted world? Entrants suggest that Covid-19 has shown that some businesses and their underlying business models are not geared to cope with external shocks. Sophie Corcut suggests that Covid-19 raises ques\x00ons for business about how they prepare for impending disruptors (like climate change, or ar\x00cial intelligence), while con\x00nuing to rebalance business models in light of changing pa\x00erns of consumer behaviour and consump\x00on. She argues that Covid-19 has increased the pressure on businesses to prove their essen\x00alness to society, especially if they want to exist long term. Work undertaken on Sustainability Firsts Fair for the Future project, emphasises the importance of corporate purpose, values and culture, especially in \x00mes of crisis. Prize-winning entrant James Poston argues that the need for businesses to take a long-term view, is in contrast with the prevalent culture of shareholder primacy, which permits and promotes the maximisa\x00on of shareholder prot (Posner, 2020),43 arguably to the detriment of wider environmental and social welfare. To deliver a sustainable future will require resilient, purposeful businesses, which create posi\x00ve social, environmental and economic outcomes. But what prac\x00cal changes to business leadership, governance and prac\x00ce do we need to achieve this?What role can business play in delivering a sustainable future? Where changes in business prac\x00ces, approaches and models were already happening, in many cases the pandemic has catapulted this forward. Alicja Boryn and Manjot Heer suggest that businesses can not only ride this wave but play a vital role in helping us adapt to and build from coronavirus towards a sustainable future, both as employers and innovators. Sustainability First ProfessorPaulDewick,KeeleUniversity Fair for the Future Project The idea that technology can be at the heart of recovery is long-standing.SustainabilityFirstsFairfortheFutureProjectiscarryingout signicant work on purposeful business and public u\x00li\x00es. Covid-19 has provided a test-bed for companies to turn their talk about responsible business prac\x00ce into ac\x00on. Our Sustainable Licence to Operate proposals provide a framework for responsible businessboth in peace \x00me and war \x00me. Why?JodeMontgros,FounderofRenewable BecauseembeddingthisapproachmeansbusinessrewardsareEnergy Consultancy EveroseThere seems realisedthroughincreasedlegi\x00macy,accesstoemerging environmental markets and greater business resilience (to deal withto be a universal recogni\x00on that a recovery Covid-19andfutureshocks),whiledeliveringfairer,morefromCovid-19hastobesustainablelong-sustainable outcomes.term. Over recent weeks Ive been heartened to see that many major UK companies are makingthesamearguments.Intheshort term, we need to keep people in employment. This also needs to be balanced against the longer term. Rachael MellorsThere are so many things that we just accept Illumina\x00on, digital image of ar\x00sts shadow at sunrise, Gargarou beach cli 2019 (no manipula\x00on) Rachael has developed a series of digital images of heras business as usual. There has been a push shadow on the cli face, taken in the few moments a\x00er the sun rises, overbackamongsomebusinessleadersto several weeks of the year. She captures the momentary shadow imprint of her body embedded with layers of soil and impregnated with shell fragments andreevaluatehowweapproachshareholder fossils, layered over millions of years. She feels that a deeply bondedreturns, to say that maximising prot is not rela\x00onship with the natural world is needed to recover from the Earths emergency. The corona crisis has enabled quietness unknown this century, anthe only, or most, important thing.experience of living with less, and a chance for apprecia\x00on of nature.32 33'