b'Geraint Ross Evans (Highly Commended)The Closer We Are, 48 x 366 cmCardi Rivers Group, 48 x 122 cmBoth charcoal on paper, mounted onAs we emerge from the corona crisis, the art world may look oriented strand board, 2019Geraint worked with the Cardi Riversquitedierent,withar\x00stsexhibi\x00ngandsellingdirectly Group, a voluntary li\x00er-picking organisa\x00on. He depicts these volunteersonline, including through social media. Experimen\x00ng with as seless guardians of theirnew formats can change the works themselves, as well as environment, removing li\x00er from waterways, restoring the river throughhow they are shared and enjoyed. Art can play an important urban and rural environments. The Covid19 crisis has served to remind us ofrole in terms of leading cultural change, na\x00onally and within the importance of community ac\x00on as a \x00meless force for good. local communi\x00es, and crucially reec\x00ng the experiences of diverse communi\x00es.16 17'