b'Stephen Benne\x00Same Planet, Dierent World, 20 x 16 inches, Gicle Print (Edi\x00on of 10), 2020 Sustainability First is a think tank and charity that promotes Stephens data visualisa\x00on gives a glimpse of the wilding of London, enabledprac\x00cal, sustainable solu\x00ons to improve environmental, by Covid. Lighter pixels show lower levels of air pollu\x00on in March 2020economic and social well-being. We are a trusted convenor compared to March 2019. Stephen explores the intersec\x00on of art, science andon public u\x00lity issues and have a strong track record of policy. His star\x00ng point is how data increasingly penetrates our everyday lives while remaining abstract, vast, disembodied and unknowing. This, combinedbringing stakeholders together in mul\x00party projects in the with globalisa\x00on and the growing complexity of society, is contribu\x00ng topublic interest.ci\x00zens feeling dislocated from public decision-making. In response, he seeks out informa\x00on from online sources and then materialises it in analogue,Registered Charity Number: 1078994organic and sensorially diverse ways. By making scien\x00c evidence something that can be visualised, touched and played with, he aims to empower people. www Click Write Followsustainabilityrst.org.uk C/o IEEP, 3rd Floor,@SustainFirst11 Belgrave Road, London, SW1V 1RBEmail WatchFollowinfo@sustainabilityrst.org.uk www.youtube.com/channel/ @sustainability_rstUCav-zSvntQznFlJj5pJ-cigDesigned by MAD Ideas www.madideas.comJuly 202050 #'