b'EntrantOliverLackandshortlistedProfessor Fiona Staord, University of Oxford ShortlistedentrantAnneliTostar entrants Alicja Boryn and James PostonMany people have never no\x00ced spring unfold, assuggeststheneedfordedicated (seeFigure1),alsosuggestthatwethey have during this period of lockdown. It hasrepresenta\x00onaltaskforces,while should leverage the impact of lockdownProfessor Tim ORiordan suggests the changes, which have xed us rmly tobeenverygoodformentalhealthandterriblyuseofcommunity-basedlistening our local areas. Not only has there beenimportantfortheenvironment,makingpeoplecircles. These would ensure that under-anecdotal evidence for rising kindnessaware of the biodiversity we have in this country.represented groups are sought out, so and community spirit to support eachIn fact, it seems to be a new-found enjoyment fortheir opinions are heard and accounted otherthroughthiscrisis(Waters,for.Thesemoretailoredformsof 2020),15 but it is clear that local greenmany people. Perhaps this situa\x00on will help greenengagement,whichac\x00velyseekto spaces have supported many people inthe curriculum and get nature into schools, becauseknowwhatpeopleneedandwant coping. In such a dicult period, theit is something that has been side-lined, yet is ofgainedmomentumwhentheWelsh abilitytogooutsidetoexercise,orfundamental importance for a resilient popula\x00on. wereplanningtheirWell-beingof simply break up the day, has remainedFuture Genera\x00ons Act in 2015. Now one of the few constants. Safe access toScotland is taking a similar approach, as these spaces is crucial for mi\x00ga\x00ng the wider health impacts of the Covid- part of their Just Transi\x00on Commission, to advise on a net-zero economy 19 pandemic response, crucially for the maintenance of physical andthat is fair for all.19 Among other groups, they have made a commitment mental health (BMJ, 2020).16 to specically seek and consider the views of young people. This connec\x00on to nature delivers benecial public health outcomes, andAnother aspect of inclusion and community engagement was noted by mayencouragelonger-termpro-environmentalbehaviours(Nisbet,shortlistedentrantParthDevaliawhoseessayreferstothe750,000 Zelenski and Murphy, 2008).17 Alicja Boryn argues that these behaviourspeople who volunteered for the NHS in just four days. This highlights the should also be encouraged post-Covid for their low-carbon value.ability of communi\x00es to come together in \x00mes of crisis. Parth notes that Nervousness about interna\x00onal travel in a post-Covid world, may oer awearealreadylivinginaworldoftechnology-facilitatedmass rareopportunityforgrowthindomes\x00cholidaymarkets,whilepar\x00cipa\x00on, whether organised via a mobile responder app, or social simultaneously reducing CO emissions from avia\x00on, which in 2018media. This oers a huge opportunity for grassroots change, as well as accounted for 2.4% of global emissions from fossil fuels (Graver, Zhang andinclusive,par\x00cipatoryengagementprocesses,whichcanfeedinto Rutherford, 2019).18 As suggested by Oliver Lack, delivering economicdecision-making, at a local, regional and na\x00onal level. Illustrated by benets to socio-economically deprived coastal regions through domes\x00cAlexander Oxley, Plymouths online Crowdfunding ini\x00a\x00ve has provided tourism could: support local and regional development, reduce sociala successful way to support projects that improve the local environment inequali\x00es, improve our rela\x00onships with nature, deliver public healthor support local businesses and are paid for by the local council and benets and have a democra\x00sing economic eect on the country.ci\x00zens on a 50/50 basis. This has created a ci\x00zen-led approach for how Entrants also made the case, that to deliver a sustainable future, reducingthe councils funds are distributed (RTPI, 2019),20 clearly contribu\x00ng to social inequali\x00esespecially those exacerbated by Covid-19is unlikelybenecial economic, social and environmental outcomes. to suit a na\x00onal level, one size ts all response. It seems that crea\x00ng communi\x00es that are more resilient to pandemics, economic shocks, and climate change, instead requires a nuanced, decentralised and local approach, inuenced heavily by community par\x00cipa\x00on.Laura Sandys, Chair of the Government Energy Data Task Makingsomeheadwayintopar\x00cipatoryengagement,thelasttwoForceThe use of virtual communica\x00ons in this period is a Ci\x00zens Climate Assemblies (which brought together people from allperfectanalogyfortheu\x00lityofdistributednetworks. walks of life to discuss how the UK can reduce greenhouse gas emissionsCentralisa\x00onsimplyhasntbeengivingenoughpeople by 2050) were held online. This level of engagement s\x00ll does not go far enough if we are to reduce inequali\x00es and deliver a sustainable future.agency.To summarise this chapter, Nick Pidgeon (Professor of Environmental Psychology at the University of Cardi) suggests: there is a clear appe\x00te for a more sustainable future. Covid has shown that behaviours can change, but we need to put pressure on those with poli\x00cal and nancial levers to invest in the signicant structural changes that are needed to support peoples choices in an appropriate way.Figure1.JamesPostonsBuildBackBe\x00er Poster,aspartofacampaignencouraging posi\x00ve lockdown behavioural changes to s\x00ck. 22 23'