b'Many entrants highlighted the important role business can play in facilita\x00ng some of the behaviour changes outlined in previous chapters. Alicja Boryn andSectoral Insights:James Poston discussed the move to remote working prac\x00ces during this crisis. Though this is not feasible, or desirable for some sectors, a shi\x00 toCommunicationsexible, remote working pa\x00erns has a range of co-benets, which can help us move towards a more sustainable future. Summarised by James Poston, moreAdeola Awoyomis essay is focused on cyber-security being distributedbusinessmodelscouldincreaseaccesstotalentpoolsforessen\x00al for a sustainable and resilient futurewhen we are all employee recruitment and improve access to jobs for those not in commu\x00ngdependent on digital communica\x00ons for every aspect of our distance of major ci\x00es, therefore helping to reduce regional inequali\x00es. Itlives.Inhisessay,Ma\x00hewBoneexaminesthemoveto could also minimise the nancial burden of transport costs, while reducinghomeworkingacceleratedbythepandemic,no\x00ngthat pollu\x00on and conges\x00on. Alicja Boryn also suggests that exible, remoteyounger employees were already more concerned about the working could help improve the worklife balance of individuals, especiallyeects of commu\x00ng and work travel on the environment, and those with childcare du\x00es. Yes, many of these changes were already afoot,would be prime candidates for future telecommu\x00ng. butCovid-19hasforcedbusinessestoadapt.Withsocialdistancing restric\x00ons likely to last for some \x00me and the viability of distributed business models proven, some business leaders, including the CEO of Barclays bank already acknowledged that: pu\x00ng 7,000 people in a building may be a thing of the past (White, 2020). 50 Prize-winning entrant Manjot Heer focused on innova\x00on. Building on his experienceaspartofKingsCollegeLondonsEntrepreneurshipIns\x00tute, Manjot suggests the use of a Greenship to help the renewable energy sector to expand. This idea evolves from the concept of green entrepreneurship by combining it with behavioural economics (in par\x00cular nudge theory) andEssay CommentaryMariana Mazzucato, government interven\x00on. Among other ideas, the essay calls for the following: Government to establish a Department for Sustainable Innova\x00on (DSI) toFounder of the Ins\x00tute for Innova\x00on coordinate with dierent university-led entrepreneurship ins\x00tu\x00ons toand Public Purposesupport innova\x00ve, student-driven green ini\x00a\x00ves. This is inspired by the role played by local government in China (Ji, 2020).51 It is vital that the next genera\x00on of 21st century researchers, publicCompany-led collabora\x00on, focused on mentorship and engagement, toservants and business leaders engage with the climate and health facilitate the growth of grassroots ideas and highlight key issues facing thecrises as global challenges that require inclusive, sustainable and renewable energy sector.innova\x00on-led solu\x00ons. These essays give me hope that they areArequirementforcompaniestoinvestinrenewableinnova\x00onbyable to rise to this challenge! The authors demonstrate a range of mentoring start-ups and sharing resources.important approaches, from considering who is si\x00ng around the Manjot suggests that Greenship could have a mul\x00plier eect in terms oftable for a sustainable transi\x00on, to how governments can take a culture and behavioural norms, as the start-ups that develop, due to DSI andhands-on role, and how socie\x00es can take up ambi\x00ous climate and the concept of Greenship, will naturally embody sustainable purpose. This willpublic health missions.support the crea\x00on of a responsible company culture, where sustainability is considered in all manner of decision-making (Venter, 2016).52 One of the most novel ideas to emerge from this essay compe\x00\x00on, Greenship oers an interes\x00ng opportunity to integrate government with educa\x00onal and private bodies to ignite entrepreneurship, for a sustainable future.Sarah Strachan The air we breathe, 105 x 42.5 x 84 cm, sculpturewooden cabinet, clear acrylic boxes, found objects, 2019Sarahs sculpture brings together a collec\x00on of found objects, in an indexical cabinet of acrylic boxes, exchanged by post with children and their families around the world. The boxes contain a record of a genera\x00ons diverse personal experiences of air quality in their local environment.36 37'