b'Eleanor Shipman 60,000 Last Breaths, photograph of sculptures made with protec\x00ve facemasks, 2018Eleanor uses recycled air pollu\x00on masks in place of owers to make six tradi\x00onal Vietnamese funeral wreaths to raise awareness of the 60,000 air pollu\x00on-related deaths per year in Vietnam (WHO, 2018). The piece has taken on new meaning in light of the coronavirus crisis, with the need for protec\x00ve masks and the reduced pollu\x00on levels resul\x00ng from global lockdown. Government Policy, Regulatory and Ins\x00tu\x00onal ChangeSmart, fair andSmart, fair and green recovery packageThe Governments recovery package needs to be smart, fair and green. It needs to green recoveryaddress social recovery and environmental resilience, as well as economic objec\x00ves. Government investment should be package focused on smart and low-carbon industries and infrastructuresuch as renewable heat, energy storage and full-bre broadbandand climate adapta\x00on (e.g. ood defences). This needs to be responsive yet strategic and joined up. Reskilling and training support are also needed for a post-Covid-19, net zero2 and digital/ar\x00cial intelligence world, par\x00cularly in areas that have been le\x00 behind. Radical, local and cross-sector water and energy eciency programmes can help deliver this. All government support and public procurement need to be condi\x00onal on addressing environmental goals and social inequali\x00es (par\x00cularly those exacerbated by the pandemic, such as race, gender and people without access to broadband). This work needs to be aligned with just transi\x00on thinking to deliver a fair approach to decarbonisa\x00on and addressing climate change.3Ge\x00ng the balanceThe coronavirus has impacted communi\x00es and geographies dierently. Climate change is further exacerba\x00ng some of these right betweenimpacts. While recognising that some issues require a na\x00onal response, where appropriate, local regions should be na\x00onal andempowered to do what is best for them, with adequate resources and power given to the devolved na\x00ons, and local and regional government and local leaders consulted on key strategic decisions (such as regulatory price reviews). This is essen\x00al regional decision- for local leaders to be able to meet the needs of their areas and cons\x00tuents. Listening circles and Ci\x00zens Assemblies are a key makinga newpart of this change; they can help formulate local plans (for example, for health, housing, energy, water, waste, transport, social contract communica\x00ons etc.) and feed through into shaping na\x00onal policy. These more par\x00cipa\x00ve bo\x00om-up and top-down forms of engagement need to be brought together as part of a new social contract for a sustainable future. Redening valueMany essay writers and judges called for a na\x00onal rethink in focus beyond economic growth and gross domes\x00c product to and developingtake account of wider deni\x00ons of value. Many of the essays argued that policymakers and regulators need a new set of sustainabilityna\x00onal indicators and metrics that measure social, environmental and economic outcomes, along with wider health and metrics well-being. Nurah Niazy suggested bringing public health into the deni\x00on of sustainability.Cross subsidies inCosts are increasingly passed on to customers though their u\x00lity and other bills. These o\x00en have unequal impacts. Cross-bills have reachedsubsidy between dierent groups of consumers through billing is reaching its limits. Tax and welfare reforms are needed. First, their limitsit isto address the growing aordability crisis accentuated and also caused by Covid-19. Second, to ensure that prices capture the true cost of carbon and keep us on track to deliver net zero. This could start with a fuel duty escalator in the Autumn Budget \x00me for tax andand move to removing fossil fuel subsidies and introducing new fossil fuel taxes. Ci\x00zens Assemblies could help deliver a fair welfare reform and acceptable outcome on tax and welfare reform, considering proposals and advising policymakers on the implica\x00ons and unintended consequences of dierent approaches.12 13'