b"We need to see change in all three areas; by people, government and business.Shi\x00s in individual behaviours are necessary but not sucient. Lifestyle changes need to be accompanied by structural change at scale and pace if we are going to create a sustainable future Consumer, ci\x00zen & stakeholder engagement in public u\x00li\x00es Personal perspec\x00ves & values Sustainable Futures Art Project - ar\x00st residencies in u\x00li\x00es & school workshopsEnergy data Cultural, Behavioural & Societal ChangePurposeful business in public u\x00li\x00es - Wider Sustainability Firstthe Fair for the Future ProjectAc\x00vity to Build a Government Covid recoverySustainable Future Sustainability metricspackage responsesBusiness Leadership, Government Policy, RegulatoryGovernance & Prac\x00ce& Ins\x00tu\x00onal ChangeGovernance & the public interest'Build Back Be\x00er'Energy White Paper vulnerability webinars & price controls Innova\x00on, taris & charges in public u\x00li\x00esDistribu\x00onal impacts of net zero & climate adapta\x00on40 41"