b'Annexes Annex A: Sustainability First Art PrizeThrough the Sustainability First Art Prize we aimed to give ar\x00sts a pla\x00orm to share their experiences of lockdown and visions for a more sustainable future. We were overwhelmed by the responsewith around 1,150 entriesvarying in scale, medium and subject. For ar\x00sts, it was a challenging brief to capture both the current situa\x00on of the pandemic and give a sense of hope for the future. We are grateful to our independent judging panel for producing the following shortlist of 19 artworks and selec\x00ng the prize-winnersthese are exhibited on the Sustainability First website. Judges included ar\x00sts, a curator, art cri\x00c, academic and leader in renewable energy investment.Annex B: Sustainability First Essay Prize and SurveyWe received over 100 essay submissions, with areas of exper\x00se ranging from energy to community rela\x00ons. The quality of work was outstanding, covering almost every facet of sustainability, to answer the ques\x00on:How do we build from the current corona crisis towards a more sustainable future?We asked entrants to consider this ques\x00on from one or more of the following perspec\x00ves:Cultural, behavioural and societal change;Government policy, regulatory and ins\x00tu\x00onal change; and/orBusiness leadership, governance and prac\x00ce.Each with their own unique perspec\x00ve, the following shortlisted and prize-winning entrants represented the best cross-sec\x00on of work, oering both radical and prac\x00cal solu\x00ons to our ques\x00on. We are grateful to our judging panel, which included people with exper\x00se in climate change, sustainability, behaviour change, communica\x00ons, investment and data.This Annex summarises the prize-winning and shortlisted essays. To read the essays in full, please click on their names. Yash Dewan (First Prize)Combining broader conceptual frameworksAnneli TostarAnnelis essay emphasised the need for tax reform to free with a range of short- and medium-term solu\x00ons, Yashs essay provides aup fundsfor the future. By backing income supportpackages, more holis\x00c approach to building from the coronavirus towards a sustainabletailoredformsofengagementwithunder-representedgroupsand future, with reference to s\x00mulus packages along with the water andprovisioning extra support for renewable projects, her sugges\x00ons called energy sectors. for a sustainable, equitable future.Dylan Ngan (Joint Second Prize)A wild card among the entries, DylansParth DevaliaWith an emphasis on leveraging the moment to redene philosophical angle centred on the use of a value-based approach tosocialcontractsandforgeaneweconomicmodelwhichvalues uncertainty and how, to eec\x00vely lead us out of crisis, we must ques\x00onpreparedness, Parths essay gave a variety of recommenda\x00ons ranging what is important and why. from a one-o wealth tax, to investor ac\x00on and purpose-led business.Manjot Heer (Joint Second Prize)Building on personal experience,PatrickHintonProvidingbothagovernment-ledandcommunity-Manjotsessaycentredontheuseofinnova\x00onhubstodevelopcentred approach to achieving a sustainable future, Patricks sugges\x00ons renewable energy projects between academia, government and business,rangedfromtheneedforagreenrecovery,viaeconomics\x00mulus facilita\x00ng the step change in crea\x00vity and collabora\x00on needed for apackages, to youth empowerment.sustainable future. Sergiu George JiducWith a strong economic focus, Sergius essay put James Poston (Third Prize)Including primary research, James workforward guiding principles for a green economic recovery, as well as mapped out clear, prac\x00cal ac\x00ons for government, businesses and civilprac\x00cal green s\x00mulus interven\x00ons available for policymakers in the society to recover from coronavirus in a way that builds back be\x00er. short term.AlicjaBorynAlicjasessayfocusedonculture,policyandbusiness responses to the pandemic. Her essay covered everything from food chains, to legal frameworks for poli\x00cal accountability and measures to protect the unemployed.SurveyAt the same \x00me that we were running the essay prize, we also conducted a survey with students and early stage researchers on the theme of How do we build from the corona crisis towards a sustainable future? We received 43 responses to thisfrom Strathclyde to Southampton. This book also draws on this work.Most thought a change in consump\x00on pa\x00erns was the most important measure to ensure recovery from the pandemic was smart, fair and greenfollowed by changes to levies and taxes. Opinion was evenly split on some proposals, such as universal basic income. 42 43'