b"Experiences ofManyar\x00stssharedtheiruniqueexperiencesoflockdown.ThirdprizewinnerFreyaMoat'ssculpturesexplorethe lockdown andstrangeness of existence without external s\x00mulus, while being made from the stu that comes into our homes, including free social isola\x00on newspapers and cardboard delivery boxes. Kathy Bruce's work captures the isola\x00on, fear and distancing we have all been living with as the result of this pandemic. Community spirit Highly commended ar\x00st Geraint Ross Evans focuses on the importance of community ac\x00on with a scene of voluntary li\x00er picking in a local river. Jacob Weeks reminds us of the seless sacrice of those on the front line, depic\x00ng on leaves through a sustainable process an image of every NHS sta member and care worker who has lost their life during the pandemic.Home and garden Ar\x00sts highlighted the importance of home as a space of security. Tere Chads carbon neutral construc\x00on is made from recycled bo\x00les and earth. It is shaped like a shell, to bio-mimic the hermit crabs reusable home.Rebecca Harper explores the emo\x00onal and heightened rela\x00onships lockdown; how this \x00me has enabled a refocus on well-being and encouraged people to appreciate gardens and local green spaces like never before.Sam Gare, Ar\x00st and Co-Founder, the Wilderness Art Collec\x00veIm a really keen advocate of trying to reconnect people with nature, to encourage people to see whats around them. Coronavirus might actually have improved our rela\x00onship with nature and con\x00nuing to enjoy and no\x00ce the natural world post-corona, may well have an impact on the behaviour change that we need for a sustainable future. Connec\x00on toRachna Garodias tapestries seek to bring the 'outside' in, evoking the simple pleasures of a woodland walk. All around the nature world we have been forced to pause, to stay at home and save lives. Her handwoven works are like a prayer in praise of the spirit of nature, its mutability and irregularity. Rachael Mellors captures the momentary shadow imprint of her body on a cli, embedded with layers of soil and impregnated with shell fragments and fossils, layered over millions of years.Geraldine Cox, Ar\x00st in Residence at Imperial College LondonThe artworks that most caught my imagina\x00on, and my heart, were the ones that embodied personal and tender observance of nature, as well as the recogni\x00on of our inseparableness from nature. To me, these seemed like the important thought pa\x00erns to nurture, if we are to thrive in the years ahead.EnvironmentallyMany ar\x00sts shared how they limit their impact on the environment through the use of sustainable and recycled materials sensi\x00ve materialsincludinghand-groundpigmentsandenvironmentallysensi\x00veprocesses.MariaArceo'sapproachofgatheringand and processes displaying waste plas\x00c serves both to clean the environment and raise awareness of the ways we are damaging it.Social jus\x00ce A few ar\x00sts highlighted issues of social inequality and the need for social jus\x00ce. Although the theme of social inequality came through in most of the essays, fewer ar\x00sts addressed this, with the focus mostly on nature and the environment. The recent Black Lives Ma\x00er demonstra\x00ons have highlighted the importance of redressing the balance in the art world, the worksshowcasedandhowtoaddressdiscrimina\x00onandins\x00tu\x00onalisedracism.SamSchmi\x00suggeststhatthe overwhelming events of this year are a cascade of interconnected crises. We need to develop a climate movement that is more intersec\x00onal.16 17"